Appointment of Company Secretary and Registered Office RM 250
Retaining a company secretary is mandatory for a company in Malaysia. CCM will penalize a company if a secretary is not appointed after 30 days. If you are interested to appoint us for a secretary of your company, please click the following button and place an order online.

Frequently Asked Question
How much is the retainer fee for retaining a company secretary?
The retainer fee varies, but OneCompany shares RM60 monthly as secretary retainer fee.
How does OneCompany play the role as company secretary?
As company secretary, OneCompany will
- Keep and maintain statutory registers
- File annual returns
- Convene and minute board meetings
- Advise on corporate governance matters
When is the deadline for appointing a company secretary?
A company must appoint a secretary within 30 days of its incorporation.
What are the duties of a company secretary in Malaysia?
The duties of a company secretaries in Malaysia include
- To attend and take minutes of all shareholders and directors meetings.
- To maintain the statutory registers required by the Companies Act 1916.
- To file annual returns and other documents with the Registrar of Companies.
- To ensure that the company complies with all its legal and regulatory obligations.
What is the requirement to be secretary of a company in Malaysia?
There is no prescribed minimum qualification for a company secretary in Malaysia. However, the Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM) recommends that a company secretary should have knowledge in company law and secretarial practice.
Is it mandatory to have a secretary for a company in Malaysia?
Yes, it is mandatory to have a secretary for a company in Malaysia. Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM) will penalise a company if a secretary is not appointed after 30 days.