Business or Company Profile
A company profile is a professional summary of a business that includes basic information about the company, such as its history, products, services, and contact information. The company profile is often used as a marketing tool to attract investors and customers. If you need a business profile, please click the following button and Order Online.

Processing steps of your applications

Frequently Asked Question
What documents do I need to certify by COSEC?
The documents that require certification vary depending on the institution’s requirements. However, typically, the following document types need to be certified by COSEC:
– A copy of the company’s registration certificate (Form 9, Form 24 and Form 49)
– Latest SSM sections such as Section14, 17, 46, 58 and others
– A copy of the directors’ identity card or passport
– A copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association (MAA), if available
– The latest audited financial statement, if available
Malaysian companies must also submit additional documents, such as a business profile and confirmation of all shareholders’ nationality.
How long does it take to certify SSM documents?
It is dependent on the company secretary’s current workload. However, we aim to complete tasks within two business days if possible.
How much is the CTC fee?
The fee for document certification is RM 10 per document.