Registration of Non-Profit Organization (NPO)
A non-profit organization (NPO) is a type of company that is set up for charitable purposes and does not have the intention to make a profit for its owners or members. The company act Malaysia 2016 defines a non-profit organization as an entity that is “not established for the purpose of making profit and no part of its income shall be payable to, or otherwise available for the benefit of any director, member, promoter or officer of the body. If you want to register a NPO in Malaysia, click the following button and place order online.

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Frequently Asked Question
You may need sufficient information to decide whether or not to register a non-profit organization in Malaysia. We have provided all information that is segmented into three categories: basic information, registration-related information, and post-registration information. Please click on the informational category you need.
What is a non-profit organization?
A non-profit organization (NPO) is a type of company that is set up for charitable purposes and does not have the intention to make a profit for its owners or members. The company act 2016 defines a non-profit organization as an entity that is "not established for the purpose of making profit and no part of its income shall be payable to, or otherwise available for the benefit of any director, member, promoter or officer of the body." In other words, all profits must be reinvested back into the charity and cannot be distributed among the owners or members.
What are the types of non-profit organization (NPO)?
There are many different types of NPOs, but all of them share the common purpose of serving the public good. Some examples of NPOs include charities, development organizations, environmental groups, and religious institutions.
How to register a non-profit organization (NPO)?
There are a few steps that need to be taken in order to register a non-profit organization (NPO) in Malaysia. The first step is to check that your organization meets the legal requirements set out by the Malaysia Company Act 2016. Once you have confirmed that your NPO meets all the necessary criteria, you can then proceed with registering your company.
The steps involved in registering an NPO are as follows:
1) Apply for approval from the Registrar of Societies (ROS)
2) Create and submit Memorandum and Articles of Association (M&A)
3) Appoint directors and key officers
4) Hold an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)
5) Apply for a license from the Malaysian Inland Revenue Board (IRB)
6) Register with the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM)
What are the advantages and disadvantages of non-profit organization in Malaysia?
NPOs have both advantages and disadvantages which are described below:
- NPOs are tax-exempt, which means they do not have to pay taxes on their income.
- NPOs can receive donations from individuals or companies, which can provide them with a steady source of funding.
- NPOs often enjoy government support and assistance, as well as privileged access to government contracts.
- NPOs can promote their causes and campaigns more easily than for-profit organizations, as the public is generally more supportive of charities.
- NPOs can apply for tax deductions for donors who make contributions to their causes.
- NPOs may find it difficult to generate enough income to sustain their operations, as they are not allowed to earn profits.
- NPOs may have difficulty securing funding from traditional sources such as banks or venture capitalists.
- NPOs may be subject to more government regulation than for-profit companies.
- The directors and employees of NPOs are not typically paid salaries, which can make it difficult to attract and retain top talent.
- Because NPOs are often reliant on donations, they can be vulnerable to economic downturns or other changes in the donor landscape.
What are the characteristics of non-profit organizations in Malaysia?
There are several characteristics of non-profit organizations in Malaysia which include:
- NPOs must have a charitable purpose.
- NPOs cannot distribute profits to owners or members.
- NPOs must be registered with the Registrar of Societies (ROS).
- NPOs must have a Memorandum and Articles of Association (M&A).
- NPOs must appoint directors and key officers.
- NPOs must hold an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM).
- NPOs must apply for a license from the Malaysian Inland Revenue Board (IRB).
- NPOs must register with the Companies Commission.
What is the difference between a non-profit organization and a profit organization?
The main difference between a non-profit organization and a profit organization is that NPOs cannot distribute profits to owners or members, while for-profit organizations can. Additionally, NPOs often enjoy tax-exempt status and can receive donations from individuals or companies. Finally, NPOs may be subject to more government regulation than for-profit companies.
What are the similarities between a non-profit organization and a profit organization?
There are several similarities between non-profit organizations and for-profit organizations, including the fact that they are both registered with the Companies Commission of Malaysia and are subject to government regulation. Additionally, both types of organization can appoint directors and key officers and must hold an Extraordinary General Meeting. However, the main difference between the two is that NPOs cannot distribute profits to owners or members.
What are the standard procedures to register a non-profit organization?
To register a non-profit organization in Malaysia, you must first incorporate a company under the Malaysia Company Act 2016. This can be done by completing and filing the necessary paperwork with the Registrar of Companies.
Once your company is incorporated, you will need to apply for tax-exempt status from the Inland Revenue Board. To do this, you will need to submit certain documents, including your company's Articles of Association and Constitution. Once approved, you will be able to operate as a non-profit organization in Malaysia.
What are the required documents to register a non-profit organization?
To form a non-profit organization in Malaysia, the following documents are required:
- A copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association
- A list of the names, addresses, and occupations of the directors
- The registered address of the NPO
- The objectives of the NPO
- The rules of procedure for meetings and voting
- The details of any paid staff or volunteers
- An audited financial statement for the previous year
- The latest annual report
- The latest bank statements
- Any other relevant information as required by the Registrar of Societies
How many members are needed to register a non-profit organization?
In order to register a non-profit organization in Malaysia, at least 7 members are required. According to the Company Act 2016, all companies must have a minimum of 2 directors and a secretary. For non-profit organizations, the requirements are slightly different in that the minimum number of members is 7. Additionally, at least two thirds of the directors must be Malaysian citizens or residents.
Can foreigners register a non-profit organization in Malaysia?
Yes, foreigners can register a non-profit organization in Malaysia. However, they must first incorporate a company under the Companies Act 2016. Once their company is registered, they can apply for tax-exempt status from the Inland Revenue Board.
Is there any capital requirement to form a non-profit organization in Malaysia?
Although there is no specific capital requirement to form a non-profit organization in Malaysia, the Companies Act 2016 does require that all companies have at least one shareholder. This shareholder can be an individual or a corporation, and the minimum share capital for a company is RM1. Therefore, if you are planning on forming a nonprofit organization in Malaysia, you will need to ensure that you have at least one shareholder with a minimum share capital of RM1.
Is there any local business address required to register a non-profit organization in Malaysia?
Yes, a local business address is required to register a non-profit organization in Malaysia. The specific requirements are outlined in the Malaysian Company Act 2016. In general, however, you will need to provide an address for your organization's registered office, as well as a physical mailing address. You may also be required to provide proof of ownership or lease for the premises where your organization is located.
What is the mandatory submission or compliance of a non-profit organization?
Under the Malaysian company act 2016, there are certain compliance and submission requirements for non-profit organizations. For instance, these organizations must maintain financial records and submit them to the Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM) on an annual basis. In addition, they must also submit an Annual Return to the CCM detailing their income and expenditure for the year. Lastly, non-profit organizations are required to appoint one or more individuals as Public Officers who will be responsible for ensuring compliance with the company act 2016.
Is there any audit requirement for a non-profit organization?
There are different types of audits that can be performed on a non-profit organization, depending on the specific requirements of the Malaysia company act 2016. Generally, an audit is conducted to evaluate the financial statements of a company and to provide assurance about their accuracy. An audit also helps identify any potential areas of risk and provides recommendations for improvement.
The Malaysia company act 2016 requires certain non-profit organizations to undergo an annual financial statement audit. This includes organizations that receive government funding, or that have more than 10 full-time employees. Other organizations may also choose to undergo an audit as a means of ensuring transparency and accountability to their donors and stakeholders.
Is the non-profit organization required to submit an annual return to SSM?
Yes, the non-profit organization is required to submit an annual return to SSM. Based on the Malaysian Company Act 2016, every company is required to submit an annual report to the Registrar of Companies (ROC) within 30 days from the date of its AGM. The report must contain certain specified information relating to the company's business and financial affairs for that financial year.
Does SSM impose a penalty if a non-profit organization does not submit an annual return or audit report?
Yes, the Companies Act 2016 imposes a penalty on non-profit organizations (NPOs) if they fail to submit their annual return. The Department of Registrar of Companies will issue a notice to the NPO, and if the NPO does not rectify the situation within the given period.
What are the ongoing compliance requirements for a non-profit organization in Malaysia?
There are several ongoing compliance requirements for a non-profit organization in Malaysia. For instance, these organizations must maintain financial records and submit them to the Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM) on an annual basis.
In addition, they must also submit an Annual Return to the CCM detailing their income and expenditure for the year. Lastly, non-profit organizations are required to appoint one or more individuals as Public Officers who will be responsible for ensuring compliance with the company act 2016.
Can a non-profit organization engage in commercial activities?
Yes, a non-profit organization can engage in commercial activities, although there are some restrictions that apply. According to the Malaysian Company Act 2016, a non-profit organization must use any surplus funds generated from commercial activities for the sole purpose of promoting its objects or purposes. Any surplus funds that are not used for promotion must be paid into the NPO's reserves. Additionally, an NPO cannot distribute any profits derived from commercial activities to its members.
How to close a non-profit organization in Malaysia?
The process of closing a non-profit organization in Malaysia generally follows the same steps as for closing a for-profit company. The main difference is that non-profit organizations must first dissolve their membership and distribute all remaining assets to members in accordance with the Malaysian Company Act 2016.